• California compulsory education law requires all minors six(6) to eighteen (18) years of age to attend school on a daily basis, for the full length of the school day. Your child's academic success begins with attendance. 


    Absences will be excused for the following reasons:

    • Illness
    • Medical Appointment
    • Attendance at the Funeral of an Immediate Family Member
    • Quarantine
    • Other reasons with prior approval from the principal

    After 14 excused absences for illness, further absences due to illness must be verified by a health professional or District staff. 



    All absences or tardies other than those listed as excused, even if the parent or guardian calls the school or sends a note. (This includes family trips or vacations).


    If your student is not in attendance at school, please contact the office to inform the school of the reason for the absence (619)588-3121.



    Any student who has three (3) or more unexcused absences or tardies greater than 30 minutes in a school year will be declared a truant and may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board.


    Independent Study Contract

    If your student will miss more than five (5) days of school, you may request from the office, five days in advance, an independent study contract.


    Our school staff is here to support you and your child. Please call us right away if there are problems that affect your child's inability to attend school, and we will do our best to help.